Disability Simulation (NQ2 Make Up)

In class we were able to simulate the experience of a person who uses a wheelchair. The reading for this class helped us acknowledge appropriate behaviors before, during, and after the activity. I think that the reading was especially important for people about to let children simulate some disabilities; while allowing children to participate in disability simulations is important to let them understand their peers with disabilities, it is also important for them to know what to expect and to share their feelings after.

One thing I noticed during the activity was the use of elevator. Wheelchair users most likely have to use the elevator to travel between floors, except for the occasional use of ramps. I am a staircase enthusiast in general, and I don’t take elevators to ascend flights less than 6 flights (I am an extreme case though). I thought it was inconsiderate when I saw people taking the elevator up one or two floors and made it unable for another wheelchair to fit. There are people with hidden disabilities who are physically unable to take stairs, but for individuals with no mobility impairments—though we should not treat people with disabilities specially—I think it is important to use the stairs more, even for one’s health!

Day after experiencing the wheelchair, my thumbs hurt for being extended for too long. Because of the reading, I knew that one day of experience does not provide the muscle and strength needed to use a wheelchair daily, and I was able to conclude with a positive impression with new knowledge from experiencing it myself.

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